Thursday, March 25, 2010

More of Mimi's House

We moved in with Mimi and Bear for a couple of weeks while we had work done on our house. It was stressful to move out of our home. But, it was really nice to have so much help! It was so great knowing that while we were bathing Jackson and settling him into bed, someone was downstairs cooking a delicious dinner! And, it was so fun to be able to settle him into bed and then both head out for a run or to grab dinner with friends!

Mimi's House!!!

Oh, man, there is nothing better than stairs. I could climb them all day. And on Mondays and Wednesdays, I get to! Mimi and I play "stair ball" where I sit on the single step part of the landing right before you head up the rest of the stairs and Mimi sits at the top of the long staircase and we throw balls back and forth. I also like to hurl the balls down the stairs. So much fun.

So cute. Such trouble.

What did I do?!

First Haircut

While in Lubbock for Christmas, we decided to get Jackson a little trim. He endured the haircut like a champ, so long as we let him hold a plastic roller or comb.

SNOW in Lubbock!!!

Mommy was SUPER excited to have a white Christmas! Jackson was less enthusiastic, as you can tell from his facial expressions when I had him taste and touch the snow.

Spending time with Great Gram

More Christmas in Lubbock

Christmas in Lubbock

We had a wonderful Christmas in Lubbock with family. It was cold, cold, cold - we even had snow! Jackson behaved really well throguhout our travels and had a fantastic time with his Gram, Grandpa, Aunt Morgen, Great Aunt Carolyn, and Great Gram and Great Great Aunt Ruth!

First Christmas!

We celebrated our first Christmas with Jackson, a few days early, before we headed off to Lubbock. Jackson enjoyed the new toys, though he didn't really know what was going on.