Monday, July 26, 2010

Jackson's 1st Big Haircut

Ummm, feeling a little nervous about this. Whenever Jackson gets nervous he immediately calls out for his "dog" and "bebe" (pacifier). He's a total addict.

These pictures are a bit dated, but I wanted to go ahead and get fully caught up on this blog. I tell you, keeping up with blogging is way harder than I thought it would be. We take so many pictures that it is hard to get organized and cull through them. And, of course, we are both really busy with work, taking care of Jackson, and doing all the other stuff we have to to keep our lives moving forward. I generally work as hard as I can all day, dash out at 5:00 so I can hang with Jackson and Robert, and then after the baby's in bed I'm back to work, from the couch. In short, we don't have much time for blogging. When I do finally sit down to get caught up, the task is overwhelming and I am completely out of funny, interesting things to say. We took Jackson for his first real haircut a couple of months ago. I adored his baby curls, but had to admit it was getting ridiculously long. When I would get his hair wet in the bath, it was basically shoulder length! So, off we went to Kids Kuts. He was pretty brave, but not happy about the whole experience. I was a bit emotional about it too, truth be told. They gave us a certificate and a little bag of his baby curls. So, without further ado, here's the big haircut!

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